Northern Europe Explorer Cruise : May 22 - June 15 2011
The ms Eurodam
This was our first experience on a Signature ship (the largest in the Holland America fleet at the time of our cruise), and while we still prefer the smaller R— and S— class ships, we enjoyed the Tamarind restaurant and Silk Den lounge that are exclusive to this class.
The condition of the ship was excellent, as far as we could tell, the crew helpful, engaging, and proficient—as is usual case on a Holland America ship. We appreciated the Officer's willingness to come to the Meet/Greets held for the Cruise Critic Roll Calls; this, to me, indicates a high level of concern for the guests' satisfaction and enjoyment of the cruise.
If this were the ship serving an itinerary that interested us we would choose it again.
Photo Instructions: Click on any photo to magnify it; a click outside the magnified image will restore the thumbnail state.
The final photo is of the ss Rotterdam's indoor (basement) pool; the photo hangs on the wall near our cabin for this cruise. It was taken by HAL Captain Albert Schoonderbeek according to the description on the photo. The ss Rotterdam was our first cruise experience, back sometime in the mid-1980's. This ship is no longer in HAL's service, but it was a gorgeous, classic vessel.
Blog Content & Website Design: Marney Wilde • Photographs by George Wilde